
The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith [our ability to confidently trust in God and in His power].” And the Lord said, “If you have [confident, abiding] faith in God [even as small] as a mustard seed, you could say to the mulberry tree [which has very strong roots], ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea’; and [if the request was in agreement with the will of God] it would have obeyed you. (Luke 17:5-6 AMP)

Some people go through life experiences praying for great faith, but then when God has told them what to do, they are afraid to take a leap of faith. In order to become a better you, you have to become willing to step outside of your comfort zone by doing the things that God has told you to do. The challenges that come your way and the difficulties you have endured should cause you to develop great faith in God. The reason some people are afraid of change is because they doubt they are good enough to become successful in life. Once your faith increases you will see that your spiritual growth becomes a lot better.

Today’s Affirmation: I AM going to grow in my faith with God.

If you are ready to Step Into Greatness but just don’t know how and what it takes to Step Into Greatness. Trust me I been there. You don’t want to go another day second guessing by not getting your hands on this book. As it will certainly help you in this thing we call life. This book has blessed so many individuals men and women, as well as prominent & influential figures within the Kingdom of God globally., Entrepreneurs, and influential people within the Sports industry.

Order Today for yourself or someone who you know that needs to know what it takes to Step Into Greatness!

Step Out In Faith

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” (Luke 5:4)

Just imagined what the disciples must have felt. They were fishermen who had spent an entire night fishing but still didn’t catch anything. You might be just like the fisherman. You have been trying to do everything on your own without any resources and have failed numerous of times. If you want to fulfill your dreams, reach your destiny and succeed in life, you must take a leap of faith.

When God wants you to step out in faith, into a new territory, you will begin to see how your life will shift in the right direction as you obey him.

What God is saying today learn how to jump and take a leap of Faith, because if you don’t you will miss God’s will for your life!

Today’s Affirmation: I AM not afraid of being great!

If you are ready to Step Into Greatness but just don’t know how and what it takes to Step Into Greatness. Trust me I been there. You don’t want to go another day second guessing by not getting your hands on this book. As it will certainly help you in this thing we call life. This book has blessed so many individuals men and women, as well as prominent & influential figures within the Kingdom of God globally. Even influential people within the Sports industry.

Order Today for yourself or someone who you know that needs to know what it takes to Step Into Greatness!

God’s Goodness

With the new year comes fresh starts, new vision, and new beginnings. Have you ever wondered what your purpose is here on this earth? Or if you are good enough to accomplish those things in your time on earth? Yes, you are good enough to accomplish anything this year you go to do in life. God wants you to live an abundant life on purpose. You are placed on this earth for a reason and purpose. Once you discover your purpose in life, God wants you to tap into that purpose and live out your life abundantly. 

Although, one day you want to be in heaven, while you are here on earth you need to know that something good is going to happen in your life. In order to see God’s goodness while you are alive, you must put God first in every aspect of your life. Then watch and see how God begins to manifest things for you-things that were once dead will come back to life. 

Tonight’s Affirmation: 
I AM about to see all that God has for me!


2020 has been a year that no on will never forget. This has been a difficult season for the entire nation. A lot of families have lost loved ones, a lot of people have been battling mental health, and even lost all hope in life and in God. But throughout all of this God wants you to restore your faith in him. Release your faith in a greater way. As you do that watch and see how God shifts things in every aspect of your life. As you continue to heal from every bad situation in your life, continue to pray to God and believe that God will restore every broken piece of your life. As you embark and enter into 2021 at midnight tonight just remember that God still has a purpose for your life!

Who are you seeking?

If you could ask for only one thing, what would it be? In Psalm 27:4, David said there was only one thing that he sought after-to dwell in God’s presence. More than anything else, David wanted to Know God, to see God as He really is and to be with Him. Truly, to know God is the highest calling we have.

How foolish we are to spend our lives seeking those things that cannot satisfy while we ignore God, the “One Thing” Who can give us great joy, peace, satisfaction, and contentment.

If God is on your list of things to seek, but not at the top, I encourage you to move everything around and put it all after Him. If you will put Him first in everything you do, you will be so blessed. Investing in your life in God is the very best thing you can do.

Merry Christmas

No one could’ve seen what was coming in 2020.

But what I do know is that you’re working hard for what you want, no matter how hard it has been this year.

You must continue to stay focus and close out this year strong.

When you think about making excuses think about why you started that vision board the beginning of 2020. 

And you’ll continue to battle for your dreams & goals until you achieve them. 

That my friend will be a wonderful Christmas gift to promise to yourself. 

As you open your gifts and spend time with your love ones today on always remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.

Before I sign off & wish you a Merry Christmas I’d like to share with you one of my favorite poems that has kept me going this year:

“Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement. 

Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character. 

Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons. 

Be thankful when you’re tired and weary, because it means you’ve made a difference.”

(Author Unknown)

Always Remember:
“Everyday of your life is a day of purpose!”

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holiday!

Finding Your Purpose

We all want to become successful on purpose. Every one of us has a picture in mind of what success looks like. What does your picture look like? Do you see yourself becoming a better person, rising higher, going beyond your limitations, hanging out with the right people, and living an abundant life? Or do you see yourself hopeless, staying stuck in your comfort zone, being hostage to past failures, not growing, staying off track, and never happy?

Finding Your Purpose

If you are not self-motivated to be great on purpose, you will not become successful. The Scriptures say to set your mind and keep it set. Before you begin to see success, you have to endure the pain that comes your way. How you handle the pain will determine how you will succeed. You have to get a picture of success. Before becoming a great business owner, athlete, artist, or just seeing personal growth, you have to see it happening in your imagination. The pictures you keep in front of you-your goals-your vision-not only stick with you, but will keep you motivated. Once something keeps you motivated, it will push you toward your purpose and calling in life.

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